We have received further detail into Isaac's condition regarding the extubation attempt for next week. As mentioned previously, his doctors want to give him a week to optimize his chances for extubation. Through breast milk feeds via the NG tube & gradual ventilator setting adjustments, they hope to strengthen both his lungs & entire body over the next seven days. During the course of the last extubation attempt, the brochoscopy revealed paralysis of Isaac's left vocal chord & collape of the pharynx. Often times, these conditions are relatively temporary & resolve on their own. However, the course of this recovery can run the length of several months or longer. This cannot be determined for certain until recovery actually occurs.
Isaac will have been intubated for a month at the time of reevaluating for extubation. The longer he has the ET tube in place, the greater his risk for induced pneumonia. So this results in two options for Isaac: successful extubation next week or the need for a tracheostomy. A tracheostomy is a surgical construction of an opening in the trachea, usually by making an incision in the front of the neck, for the insertion of a catheter or tube to facilitate breathing. This would allow Isaac to breathe while bypassing the mouth & vocal chords, allowing them time to heal. For full details on this procedure & life with a trach, visit www.tracheostomy.com.
To be quite candid, this news comes as a heavy surprise. Jordan & I desire to do whatever will be best for our sweet son. If the trach is what he needs, than we'll embrace this & learn all there is to know in order to give him the best possible care. As parents, we desire the best for our children. Sometimes, what is best is far from what was thought to be ideal. Our hearts desire that this step not be necessary & that he'll be able to breathe on his own. However, what is best for Isaac is what we will embrace. Even as we've been caught off guard, we remain confident that none of this is a surprise to our great God. He already knows all Isaac needs, all we will need to be the best parents possible for him, & how this all will resolve in the end. And as temptation lulls us into the land of what-ifs & worse case scenarios, we're stopped by the words of Christ - seek Him first & everything we need will be added to us. Don't borrow worry from tomorrow. (Matt. 6) Our God will supply all we need. He is good & His purposes for us are loving & right.
Join us in prayer over this next week for Isaac. Pray for mobility to return to his left vocal chord & strength to return to his pharynx. Pray for Isaac's diaphragm to be able to fully function on its own, pulling in deep breathes without need for assistance or surgery. For these issues to resolve so quickly would be on the side of miraculous, but we serve an awesome God capable of working in ways beyond our imagination. A week of concentrated prayer lays ahead.
Lifting all of you in prayer
God bless you and give each of you His strength.
It's okay to cry, Patience. You cry together with your Father who weeps over the indirect effect a sinful world has on such an innocent creature.
Isaac looks so small, but his spirit is just as large as ours. Just think the communion he must surely be having daily with the Holy Spirit, who is praying for him with groanings that cannot be uttered! What a remarkable little person he must already be!
Still praying--
Kathy Hughes
God has blessed baby Isaac with such strong parents!
We are keeping Isaac in our prayers as well as his wonderful mom & dad.
Bryant & Hilary
Patience and Jordan,
Just just dropping by to let you you know that my family checks in with yall everyday to see how your lovely son is doing. Everyone here in Wilmington still has your whole family in our prayers.
Paula, Sterling, Brad and Lauren Barbour
Lifepoint Church
Your family is continually in our prayers!
We know that God is already doing mighty works in Isaac's life!
you are a stronger parent than i...i am continually amazed at your prayerful and praise-filled attitude. you are shining examples of the parents that God calls us to be...your strength is an encouragement to me each day. love and prayers for precious Isaac. - Lindsay -
We'll keep praying!
Patience, We are friends of your grandfather, Floyd, in Annapolis. We've been praying for Isaac and you and Jordan and will continue to pray.
Our God is a God of miracles. We know as we have seen him work in our own daughter's life. 15 months ago, we watched and prayed as our daughter was weaned off of a ventilator. I understand a parent's heart. Promises that I clung to: Our God is a God of miracles....he will not give us a stone when we ask for bread. We will boldly pray for a miracle this next week for Isaac.
I read this in devos this morning and thought of Isaac - "Then everyone will stand in awe, proclaiming the mighty acts of God, realizing all the amazing things He does." Ps 64:9 (NLT). Isaac's little life is already an amazing testimony to God's greatness and will continue to be. Your are continually in our prayers!
The Tiner family
You continue to amaze me...Always remembering that God is in control.
Isaac is just precious in the new photo you posted. I know God has great plans for him.
Praying for you, Jordan and Isaac daily,
I am continuing to pray for Isaac. (You and Jordan, too!) I check the site daily and have truly been blessed by your courage and faith. Remember that God is in control. He is not surprised or 'caught off guard' by Isaac's needs. He is faithful in the midst of the storm!
Dear Patience and Jordan,
The description you have given of your son's first days, have been remarkable. You two certainly demonstrate a strong foundation of faith which is weaved through each of your writing. The tremendous love you demonstrate for your son is awesome. God, as well as the community of faith that surrounds you and your son, is praying with you for healing and strength of your son. He looks better every time I see him in a photograph.
I will con't to pray for all that your family needs. There's not a day that passes without you all on my mind and in my heart. The road you are traveling may be filled with bumps but it is through your unwaivering strength and faith that you will prevail.
As an adult cardiothoracic nurse I am in awe at what miracles have already be exhibited to all us re. Isaac, you and Jordan. I pray for all movement of Isaac's vocal cord to be returned, if he does have to have the trach I have seen that it is much easier for them ( the drs)to do "trials" of spont breathing or what ever they need, it is also easier for Isaac.
You remain in my haert and prayers. Please con't to lead our prayers by letting us know what you need.
Kim Roof
Jordan and Patience,
Mike and I have been keeping current with all that you're going through and want you to know that you are consistently in our thoughts and prayers.
Reading your comments today about the possibility of Isaac having a tracheostomy brought back our own experience of hearing that presented to us and our having to accept it as "best," if not ideal. You express the range of emotions so well.
I wanted to share a radio broadcast of "Words to Live By" that was just recorded on March 23, 2007. It features a couple, Scott and Penni Newport...friends from Michigan that we met a few years ago through the Tracheostomy.com listserv, "Trach Ties." I hope their story, told in their own words, uplifts and encourages you. Their faith, like yours, is amazing.
Best to all three of you. We love you!
- Mike, Mir, and Merrit Haynes
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