I type this as Patience gets a well deserved nap. Isaac was originally scheduled for extubation today, but that will be postponed due to a couple complications. Cultures taken a couple days ago confirmed that he does have a blood infection at his Broviak site so they have put him back on the antibiotics to kill the infection. Lactate was back up to 4.1 this morning. They've been trying to wean him off some of his pain meds, but yesterday and this morning he's been displaying signs of withdrawal. With him being stressed from these issues, the docs have decided to postpone the extubation and try to get him to a better state before trying extubation.
Some good news...the EEG results came back and Isaac has NOT been having seizures! Praise the Lord! We are so appreciative of everyone keeping up with our boy and continuing to pray for him. To God be all the glory for Isaac's progress thus far, and for what He has in store!
I think I can speak for all of us when I say that it is our honor and pleasure to pray for you guys!
Thank you for keeping us updated!
Prayers! Jane
Sweet Isaac was lifted up in prayer at our ladies prayer breakfast this morning. May God continue to show Himself strong in his life! To God be the Glory!
Huntsville, Alabama
Praying that it won't be long now until Isaac is home!
I thought about Isaac during the entire 3 mile Walk America March of Dimes this morning. Hopefully the antibiotics will do their job and extubation will be planned soon.
Praise the Lord for No Seizure Activity.
No Seizures!! Awesome. Will still be praying. Thanks for being so strong! Keep pressing on toward the goal!
Jordan and Patience,
So glad you got great news on the EEG tests! We continue to pray for our favorite little Gator and you.
With much love,
May God continue to keep you in His wonderful care, Blessings and prayers to you and yours.
We love you,
The Pattersons
Yes! I pray that all infection and pain be gone! I pray that this next week he becomes so strong and whole that his extubation will be absolutely the best thing for him. I pray for sleep for both of you and happiness all the days of your life. we love you
Thank God that they weren't seisures. I'll be praying that Isaac's infection will come under controll and that extubation would be possible. He sure is one little soldier of God. Blessings on all 3 of you.
I have been thinking about you and your beautiful boy so much - I've been checking your blog at least five times a day for updates!
So glad to hear that Isaac hasn't been having seizures - that's one less thing for you to worry about! God willing, you will all be home very soon.
With love and prayers,
Alison (mummy to Charlie, HLHS) xx
My husband and I will continue to pray for you, your family and your sweet baby boy. Thanks for showing us the example of true faith during trials.
To God be the glory! Great things he has done and is still doing!
I am a firm believer that our precious Lord continues to heal today just as Jesus did when walking this earth. This is clearly evident through Isaac and even though he takes a few steps backwards..praise God he is still moving forwards! I don't discount at all what you two must be going through as parents, after all you are still human and only want your baby well and home. However, once all is said and done, and you are home with that precious little one, what a testimony you will have been to so many people. God is doing such a great work through both of you and the daily testimony of your never ending faith in him is most likely the plan that he had for you even before the world was formed. You cannot begin to imagine the lives that you and Isaac have already touched and his perseverence has undoubtably been "mind blowing" for all of the medical staff. They must see that God is in charge of Isaac.
I and my family continue to pray for Isaac and for strenth for both of you!
Rest well and we will continue to count the days, as we wait on the Lord, for Isaac to finally sleep in his own crib. God bless both of you and to our God be all the glory!
I met Issac's grandmother Thursday and she shared his story with me.I was almost embarrased to tell her that we have never been to the emergency room with 4 children-15,12,9, and 7. I can't imagine what you must be going through.
I find myself drawn to his blog 2 or 3 times a day.
My family is comitted to pray for him and we will lift him up this morning in prayer time at Long Green Baptist!
Glen Arm, Md
Praise The Lord that Isaac has not been having seizures! We will continue to life Isaac up in prayer. Patience, you defintely deserved that nap! Get all the rest you can. We miss seeing you in church and can't wait to meet sweet Isaac!
Love & Prayers,
Bryant & Hilary
To God be the glory! Thank you Lord for what you have done with Isaac's progress. I claim victory in Jesus name that Isaac will continue to improve. You guys are so strong, and before you know Isaac will be in his own bed at home.
Love, Pam, Ryan & Morgan
Thank the Lord for no seizure activity! I will be praying that the meds work quickly to take care of his infection.
Jordan and Patience,
Thank God that Isaac is not having seizures! I am so glad to hear that good news. I just want to thank you for the example your family sets with your true faith in Jesus Christ. Although I know it must be difficult at times, I am truly awed to see Jordan praising and worshipping God at every weekend service at C3. I know that God has awesome things in store for your sweet baby boy...he will change the world for Christ and in my opinion, he already has! You make me proud to be a member of C3 and all that our church represents!
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