We're back to blogging after several days with a broken laptop. But thanks to the AppleCare plan, a fabulous Genious at the Apple store at Southpoint, & two hours of reformating, we're back in action! The best part - no pictures were lost! Thank you for your patience during this hiatus & your continued prayers for our sweet boy. Here's the scoop on what's happened since Thursday:
No major complications have occurred since Isaac's diaphragm surgery on Thursday, though he has been quite uncomfortable with the chest tube in. This will thankfully be coming out today, so he should be far more comfortable. Respiratory therapy has been able to wean him some more from the vent, but has come to the point where he's just tiring out with any further adjustments. Our biggest goal at this point is to successfully establish feeds through his ND tube, which bypasses his stomach & goes directly into his intestines. His little body works harder than most with his heart condition, so he requires more nutrition than the average baby. He has been on a low amount of breastmilk for a few days, but has repeatedly spit up, keeping him from absorbing the nutrition. As he is still intubated, one concern with spitting up is the risk of aspiration which could cause pneumonia. Better nutrition will provide Isaac with the strength needed to hopefully wean off the vent as he won't tire out as quickly.
The new Broviac line has been working well & Dr. Harris was able to establish another central line in his right femoral artery. A concern in the back of our minds is access as it is becoming increasingly difficult to establish new lines when one fails. Please pray that no complications arrise with the lines currently in place for the duration of Isaac's time here in the hospital. We don't want to get to the place where he can't receive the necessary meds simply because he doesn't have a line of access to receive them.
So the two greatest hurdles at this point are nutrition & respiratory: Isaac needs to successfully establish tolerance to feeds & be weaned from the vent, hopefully without the need of a trach. In other fronts, his lactate has leveled out around the 2-2.4 range. Still higher than normal, but MUCH BETTER than it had been. The results of the octreotide scan are in: no masses found in his pancreas - no insulinoma! So it seems the hyperinsulinism may be a newborn thing. We'll just have to wait & see.
So our sweet boy has come a long way, though he still has a ways to go. We're so grateful that he is still here. As he turned 7 weeks old yesterday, we were keanly aware that it was 2 weeks more than we thought he'd have. Thank you, Lord, for each day with this precious little boy! We fall more in love with him each day & at times grow impatient to close this chapter & have him safe in our arms at home. And while every line & scar in him plays a vital role in moving him towards health, our hearts can still feel heavy, wishing he didn't require any of them. So we continue to pray for healing, health, & home. In the waiting, solace comes from the Word. Thank You, Lord, for never leaving our side. During the weeks that we can't hold our sweet boy, we give You thanks that he rests in Your everloving arms.
"The LORD upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made. The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them." ~ Psalm 145.14-19
Jordan and Patience glad the laptop is now fixed and that you can blog again. Praise God for Isaac's continued healing. Our family is in continued prayer for each of you and what you need.
Praise the Lord for His continued faithfullness and Mercy in Isaac's life. A day does not pass where your sweet family is in my prayers and in my thoughts- the Lord is good and I praise Him for sustaining Isaac this far. I pray He continues to heal this little soul and move him home with you-
Love you guys,
Another poem from your friend. We love you and are ALL praying for you!
The Day of Hope
The Day of Hope, hid beneath Sorrow's veil,
Has shown its face--ah, cry that all may hear:
Come forth! the powers of night no more prevail!
Praise be to God, now that the rose is near
With long-desired and flaming coronet,
The cruel stinging thorns all men forget,
The wind of Winter ends its proud career.
For HIS Glory!
Jordan, Patience and little Isaac, thank you for the update!! Many people here at Liberty University are praying for complete healing for Isaac, and strength for all of you! Thank you for giving us specific things to pray for.
We will continue to "pray without ceasing" for you all. Jeremiah 32:27 says "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: Is there anything too hard for me?" And of course the answer is no!! So, praying for the day you get to take Isaac home and the day you get to hear his laughter.
God continue to bless you all!
A friend at LU
Our God is so faithful and we continue to pray for Isaac here in India...My friend Evelyn had a little boy, Joel Ethan on March 1st, born 2 months premature and there were many perilous weeks as he was less than 2 lbs. Now Evelyn is praying for Isaac....we love you Cindy
So glad your computer is fixed and the pictures were not lost.
We are so happy to get the update on Isaac and to hear how well he is doing. We continue to pray for all of you.
Glory be to God,
Steven & Kristina
Looking at these pictures of Isaac makes me think of my little girl...shes only 7 months old and was born at the hospital Isaac is in...just thought I'd share one of the things I wrote for her. I would love for her to meet Isaac someday, b/c her daddy will definitely tell her his beautiful story.
Alanna 2
(shes sleeping on me)
The smallest features that I've seen
Tiny hands and tinier fingernails
Little toes that beg for kissing
And how can I deny them
My breath falls on her eye lashes
And they flicker as she dreams
She is heavy on me as she lies in bliss
Her trust is overcome only by her love for me
I look at her and cannot help but
Feel a sense of grief as I know
I will let her down so many times
But then she smiles to tell me it is ok
So sleep my Love and dream of me
Dream of things to come
Dream of all the good and beautiful
Things we have to experience
Sleep as long as you want
I'm not going anywhere
- Josh Coyle
Your example has been amazing. Isaac has pierced the heavens and the Holy Spirit has poured out on so many lives. I thank God everyday b/c this has brought be closer than I've ever been to the Heart of God.
Josh Coyle
Great to hear from you again,
and praise God for Isaac's continued progress. Our family prays for yours each day.
The Pattersons
I agree with Josh. Your example has been amazing. I know one day God will reveal to you and Jordan just what you have done for people by sharing Isaac's story and showing your faith in God through it all. He is using all three of you for His purpose. What a great witness this blog has been.
We continue to pray for you all.
The Trueloves
Thank you Lord for your continued care for Isaac, Patience and Jordan. They truly are witnesses for you .... please continue to allow Isaac to rest and gain the strength needed to overcome all obstacles. He truly is one of your miracles and has and will continue to bring others to know you more.
Thank you Patience and Jordan for continuing the updates.... we look forward to more good news soon.
Sharon & Jimmy Jackson
Thank you for your updates and thank the Lord for His amazing work to bring Isaac this far. We are continuing to cheer him on as he gains strength and independence from the machine and tubes. I know you just long to hold him. We will pray for more opportunities as I couldn't even imagine. Our prayers are there with you.
Thanksgiving and Prayer
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,
which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
Ephesians 1:15-23
Reading this, thoughts immediately went to your family. God has such big plans for you!
Trust in Christ,
David and Erika
Jordan & Patience,
Some people and situations come into our lives that change us forever. The path you are walking right now has definitely done that for me. I have seen the most loving, gracious, kind, merciful God. I have come to know Him in a new way, and have been able to filter any situation that has come into my life through this new lens. And He has proven to be amazing.
It still burdens my heart to know that your road is not over, and my heart burdens for a mother & father who just want to unhook their child from all the tubes and take him home to a normal life.
We pray continually for you guys and for Isaac... and that he will get to see that beautiful baby bed with his name over it soon.
Jordan & Patience
You don't know me but Nicole Coyle sent me a message to pray. Our church mothers group here in New Zealand is praying for your family. We are so blessed to be able to pray through your night and look forward to hearing of many more miracles with regards to Isaac's health.
You are both truly inspirational in your faith, your testimony is shining brightly across the world!
love and prayers
Naomi (and Levin AOG MOPS Group)
It is great to hear about God's amazing work on Isaac! We will pray that no complications arrise and that you and Jordan will be able to bring him home soon!
Love & Prayers,
Bryant & Hilary
Our God is a mighty God and is working miracles still today. We agree with you in prayer daily to heal your sweet boy and for all the glory to be to God our Father. Thank you for the picture and update.
~ Rhonda & Doug Pearce
Praise be to our Mighty God for the miracles He is performing in your sweet baby boy! As a mother, I ache for you, knowing how you must long to hold your boy. But be comforted to know, that while you can't hold him like you want to, Our Father is holding him in His loving arms, waiting for the day He can pass him back to you! God has great plans for that little man, and He picked the perfect parents for him! Thank you for being such great examples to the world, showing us what Faith truly means! Our family is in constant prayer for you!
Jordan and Patience,
We are all going to stand in agreement with you that the lines that are currently being used will not falter. We will also continue to pray for Isaac's strength.
I've been asking God to let this ordeal end soon. It's time for this little guy to come home to mommy and daddy. I know you are waiting in anticipation for that day.
You two are the most wonderful parents a child could ever wish for. I know one day Isaac will realize just how special his parents are. God couldn't have picked a better couple to care for this little one. You are both so very blessed.
Ken and Rebecca VanderWerff
Your gift to me has been all the wonderful scriptures you've been sending our way. In the midst of your worries and at times certain doubts ,you continue to minister to us your great love and faith in your lord our lord our god your god.I am proud to be a part of your journey.I am proud to call myself a member of c3.Where we sing his praises and gloryfying his name.For I have come to know God in a way I never thought possible................Thank you and all the many others who have gotton on board with constant support and prayer.My faith has grown stronger. Debra W.
Glad to get the latest news on your adorable son. He has been in my prayers and I only hope our good Lord will erase all the memory of this time from Issac and he will only remember his loving parents at his side.
Thank you for taking the time to update those of us out here who care and pray daily.
God bless
Thank God for all the miracles your family is receiving. Thank you for all your praise and worship of our God. Your wonderful son Isaac has been through so much, that I know the happy day of his going home is soon to come. My eyes have truly been open to the power of our God. My faith has grown stronger since I have been reading about Isaac, and I thank you and God for that. I was watching a show Sunday night where there was a statement that was said,"There is alot to think about, but nothing to worry about." That is so true when God is present. God is holding Isaac now, but soon you and Jordan will take over. God bless you,Jordan, and Isaac.You are all in my prayers.
Pam, Chesapeake, Va.
Psalm 9:10, "All those who know your mercy, Lord, will count on you for help. For you have never yet forsaken those who trust in you."
Thank God that Isaac is doing as well as he is. Yes, we will keep praying and standing in the gap for you. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!
My name is Sara Phillips, and I've been praying for Issac for several weeks now. Valerie introduced your son Issac to me when asking for prayer, and I've been following your story every since. Thank you for faithfully updating this site so I can continue to pray. Though I've never met Issac, I love him and I continually hope for the day he's safely at home with you. My first baby, Ronnie, was born only two weeks after Issac and he is a constant reminder to pray that Issac grows stronger and healther, and to pray for you as new parents bearing with so much! I am truely thankful for the testimony you are to me of God's goodness even through such struggles. It spurs me on in my own walk in ways I don't even know how to explain. Anyway, I'll keep praying. Thank you for the updates.
You guys are awesome!!! We have continued praying for him and we always will! Isaac will be healed by the grace of God!
I love you guys
Love Always
Autumn :)
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