So our sweet boy has us guessing & chasing numbers once again. While he is indeed very sick, he has been relatively stable today. He has responded well to the wall of meds he is now on...we call it Isaac's wall of lights. Our main areas of concern/focus are his infection, lactate, & blood sugar levels. Lactate has jumped up & down throughout the day from high 5's to low 2's & back. As of 6p, it was 3.4. Isaac's glucose has been all over the place today, changing dramatically with minor adjustments in his meds. Our goal is to finally keep him steady within the normal level range. Isaac still shows signs of having an infection, though has yet to develop a fever. If infection persists at the Broviac site, it will need to be removed which creates a problem with access for meds. Much to be in prayer about.
Thank you all for continuing to come alongside our family in prayer as Isaac continues his fight. Thank You, Lord, for one day more with our sweet boy. Be it Your will, we ask for many, many more.
It is God's will for this baby to be whole. I will continue to pray for God's continuous healing power to flow through Isaac's body.
The enemy would love to make you think he won't do well, but that is simply a lie. I'll tell him where to go too!
Please Dear Lord, have mercy and grace on this dear little one and heal him completely. Please have mercy and grace on Patience and Jordan and give them the peace that can only come from knowing You. Thank you, Lord for all you have done and will do for this beautiful family, and may Your Name continued to be praised and honored through all they are going through. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
I still have baby Issac in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you keep your strength up for the little one.
The enemy has been defeated
And death couldn't hold You down
We're gonna lift our voice in victory
We're gonna make Your praises loud
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
Shout unto God with a voice of praise
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
We lift Your name up
We lift Your name up
As I read your blog tonight, God put this song in my heart. Baby Isaac has touched so many lives in his short little life. He will continue to touch lives despite what Satan wants because God will be praised through his life.
I love you!
Father, Please let Jordan & Patience feel your presence in Isaacs room tonight. We continue to praise you for the health and healing of Isaac. Only you know why his lactate and blood sugar levels are fluctuating. Please clear up any infection Isaac has in his body. Please allow the broviac line to stay in so he can receive the meds he needs. Please do the miraculous in Isaac's body tonight. We know you can heal in an instant, but sometimes you allow the normal human process. Maybe someone at Chapel Hill still needs to meet You through Patience & Jordan... but only you Lord know how much we can handle.
I do believe Lord, that you want to heal Isaac. I don't know why, I just do. Please take care of all the details in Isaac that his "wall of lights" doesn't show. I pray their will be a "wall of testimonies" that can be put on his bedroom wall for him to see and find encouragement from in years to come. Strenthen his little body to fight off anything that comes upon him. Let him feel your strength and love even at 8 weeks old. We pray against anything the enemy would bring on. Send a legion of angels to surround this room and minister to and protect this family.
Dear Hevenly Father we all pray that you will work miracles in baby Isaac tonight. Help keep his levels normal and the infection down. I know you have a plan for him and the family. Give Isaac, Patience, and Jordan strength and comfort throughout the night. Isaac has made a difference in so many peoples lives with your help and guidedance, and I pray that you will guide him through his long journey to a healthy, happy homecoming soon. Heal him throughly with all your blessings.
Thank you Lord!!!!!!
Pam Chesapeake, Va.
We are still standing with you!
Mike, Erin, Lilly and Lila Day
We continue to pray for your sweet boy, that God will strengthen his little body.
"Be it Your will." Such sweet words of submission. It is an honor to pray for you.
Hey Guys we are continuing to pray. Patience, my mom sends her love and prayers for you and the baby. She has your name on a number of prayer requests that get prayed for everyday. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
I love you,
Fernanda Veloso
Sweet Isaac you are such a blessing to your parents I cannot imagine what they are going through at this time. I pray for you often that God the great physican of them all will heal your little body and allow you to go home. I pray for Jordan and Patience that God will give you rest and assurance in His love for you.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Good morning sweet Leino family. You are truly constantly on my mind and in my prayers. When I wake up at night, I pray for Isaac; when I think of you during the day, I pray for Isaac. And I pray for the both of you. With thousands of people praying for you in the same way, you are surrounded by a "wall of prayer" much like Isaac's wall of lights. I am so sorry that you are having to endure this, but so thankful for your deep faith. You are inspiring all of us to examine our own faith, and calling us to go deeper too. When you stand before God one day he will loudly proclaim to you both, "Well done my good, and faithful servants!"
To read these prayers and to feel the love for God and the love for your precious family, it fills me with such hope.
Hope being such a powerful word because without it there is no looking forward. What is hope? It is God the Father. Jesus the Savior.
I am praying for Isaac's strength today. His poor little body has had to fight so many battles in such a short time. I am going to lift him up in prayer all day that his body be as if his battle has already been won!
Yes, "the enemy has been defeated, and death couldn't hold you down!"
We love you!
Father in Heaven,
I pray that through this time with Isaac, You will knit the Leino's hearts to Your own,
and that they, having seen and tasted of Your goodness, will be quickened by Your Spirit, to live out the promises of Your Word.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
"That I may publish with a voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works"
Psalm 26.7
My heart goes out to you and your family. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for healing for little Isaac and answer to questions that are still puzzling doctors. I pray for stength for you and Jordan. I praise God because of your faith, and I thank Him for every day that he gives you with your son!
Love in Christ,
Please continue to stay focused on God's promises. He is a good God, a loving God. And He desires nothing more than for us to have the very best in life.
God has demonstrated this in my life many times. I have no doubt that He is doing a great work in this child's body. Why things take time and other's don't is entirely up to God. Regardless of how long this journey is, God is in control. He has already healed Isaac's body. It's just a matter of time before we see the FULL manifestation.
Stay encouraged!
Rebecca VanderWerff
It was sooo great to see you both at "the Dream" evening on Wednesday night. I have been thinking since then about Matthew 6 where Jesus is talking about fasting...."putting on a gloomy face and neglecting your appearance....for they have their reward" both looked so fresh and vibrant.....totally excited about Gods love and full of faith. A stranger would have no idea what you have been so gracefully & faithfully handling these past 8 weeks....and even prior to that.
Jordan and Patience, you are teaching so many (incl. myself) what it truly means to trust God and live in faith.
We check the blog daily and are praying for you and for Issac and Gods perfect amazing will as you go thru this mission with God. So many lives are being touched by your journey. "Do not become weary...."
"But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one" 2thess 3:3
Gods Blessings to you 3!
As I am reading your blog today, the story of Isaac came to mind. This is the story of your family. In the end, God delivers Isaac from being sacrificed. God will deliver your Isaac too. As someone else wrote,God is obviously using your family as a testimony of faith.
We are with you in prayer.
God promised Abraham he would be
the father of a great nation. In order to enjoy that privileged position, he obviously had to have a son, and we have traced the struggles of faith that finally brought Abraham and Sarah their son. His birth was the highlight of their eventful and exciting walk with God. What happiness Isaac brought to their home! And he was such a good boy—dutiful, obedient, and submissive to his parents. Submissiveness would seem to be the only way to explain how old Abraham could bind the young man and lay him on the altar of sacrifice. God substituted a ram in that suspense-packed drama of obedience and faith; Isaac was delivered and the three of them were joyfully reunited as a family.
Praise God!!
The Trueloves
Never alone.
My wife and I are praying. Tell baby Isaac that God is already using him to remind others about God's blessing in their life.
We love you guys and are praying every night and as we keep baby isaac in our hearts throughout the day. Fight the Fight!!!
the heptings
Keep up the good work.
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