After another eventful day, here's where we are now with Isaac:
The I.J. line is working well & will hopefully last for a while. At this point, both subclavian & the left femoral access points are no longer options with the verdict still out on his right femoral. So we need for this line to stay patent. Isaac's blood pressure has held steady for the most part today & we've begun weaning one of the three b.p. meds he is on. So far, he's doing well in the process. His pH took a dip through the afternoon, but has come back up to 7.31 - almost to the normal range. After peeing like a champ yesterday, we've cut back his lasix dosage so as not to diurese him too quickly. Way to go, kidneys! He still has a fever of 37.7 C (roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit), but at this point nothing has grown out in the cultures taken two nights ago. His right lung has sounded rather wet & junky today, so we've done PT on him to help keep the lung open. Hopefully it won't collapse. He gets his first trach change tomorrow. Once this has occurred & as long as he is stable enough, we should be able to hold him again!
So for now, Isaac is moving in the right direction. He has proven to be a moment-by-moment individual, but at this moment in time, he is fast asleep. Thank you all for your heartfelt encouragement & many prayers for us today. Even in the midst of this rollercoaster ride, we've been overwhelmingly grateful: for the phenomenal medical team here at UNC's PICU, the outpouring of prayer & support from so many around the world, & the never-ending faithfulness of our awesome God. What a gift. Thank You, Lord, for one day more with our sweet boy.
Lord, touch this sweet boy.... my heart is heavy just thinking of all the things he has to go through--- but his sweet face--- is saying Ill be ok. God bless you two-- i dont know you--- but God has his hand withyou two and your sweet Isaac
I don't know you either, but I carry your son in my heart. You are such an encouragement to me. God's strength in your being is so evident. Isaac, sweet Isaac rests in Gods hands. What a sweet place to be. I stand in faith for his healing and for his wonderfully evangelistic life.
Dear Lord, thank you for upholding this sweet young family. I believe that you will never ask them to handle more than you are willing to carry for them. This special boy is your son and is under your protection. His life predetermined in your wisdom. Lift them up, bless them, let your light shine from them in the darkest of moments. They are choosen by you to be the earthly parents of Isaac to love him and cover him in prayers to your throne. Give them special moments to smile about and special thoughts that will warm their spirits. May you divinely allow these parents and Isaac to feel the power of all the prayers for Isaac. May the love of so many shower them from head to toe.
Fran - Wake Forest, NC
Praying that you all have a very peaceful and restful night. Thank you Lord for another day for Isaac, and may tomorrow go so well, so his parents can hold him again. The healing power of touch can do such wonders, and sweet Isaac definity deserves some holding from Mommy and Daddy! Hang in there sweet baby. . . God has big plans for you.
Into The Deep
Into the deep dark abyss
falling further...drifting down
heavy feet, heavier heart
down down to the bottom
when does this stop
where does this go
dark, quiet, black
my feet sink in to the muddy sand
my eyes see nothing
my fingers numb
and there i sit
i wait...nothing
my thoughts are blank
my eyes close
i wait..................................
and then the faintest of lights
slivers of light through the bedrock
the ground trembles
cracks give way to holes
the cavern is illuminated
everything is glowing white
my body lifts
the light enters me
it pours from my eyes
i can see
it drives the dark from me
i see my heart
i see my soul
I see You
Josh Coyle
God bless you guys...i thought of these words as I read your posts the last couple of days and looked at your sweet baby boy
- JC
We Praise Your Name Sweet Father. For the mercy and your healing hand. When things look gloomy to us, we can just feast our eyes on You and we know that You will answer our prayers in a loving way. We Thank You Lord for staying with us, with the Leino family and showing us that You are in control - that You have everything Under control. We are your children who desire to serve You and Glorify Your name during any circumstance. We love you Father and thank you for Your Continual Blessings You've been pouring down on the Leino's. In Jesus's name - amen.
Patience & Jordan: I attend c3 with you all. And I'm an avid reader of the journey that's ongoing. I just wanted to drop a reminder to let you both know that you, as parents, are greatly admired for your steadfastness in our Lord. I owe you all a big thank you for helping me to remember that God will take care of everything - its only ours to give to Him. This is shown by the two of you through your faithfulness in God as the Leino family travels this journey with sweet baby all for God. I realize you may have read a lot of this kind of posting - just add this to the pile of how God is using Your family for people like me who sometimes worry about things that after reading this daily, are NOTHING. I can't wait to see you All at church as a family.I am so happy to witness through this blog the way God is keeping you all tightly in His arms.... And as I've also read daily and I know you all continually hear/read it, please be sure to try to get some much needed rest while sweet boy is doing the same.
I pray for Isaac and you many times daily and constantly check the blog for updates. I hope and pray that Isaac continues to move in the right direction. What a precious baby you have! What a wonderful God we have!
Father, I too, thank you for another day with sweet baby Isaac among us. I pray that it is but one of thousands more to come on this earth.
Jordan and Patience continue to demonstrate that Your love is greater than anythng on this earth. Even as he faces the heartache of a young father longing to hold his baby and see him healthy, Jordan still has the faith and trust in You to lead thousands of people in worship to You! Father, I pray that You continue to strenghten and energize the Leino family as you use all three of them to change this world for Your glory.
All praise to You, O God!
You don't know me but you are all on my heart all day and every day since I have known about Isaac - about 6 weeks now. I know life must continue, with all the day-to-day things that happen that we must attend to, but you all are constantly in front of me.
Through what God is doing in your lives, you give me more strength, humility, patience, hope, faith, love and belief in Him.
I long for you to hold your son whenever you want for as long as you want but know it will be in God's time. God's blessing - sweet Isaac - has changed me to the core. I have been praying for years for change in my life and who would have imagined that a sweet, precious child, who has become a part of my life over this blog, would be the instrument of that change?
Lord, I love this family. I pray for Isaac's comfort and healing, and that one day, if it is your will, that sweet Isaac will be able to see and read about all the lives he has touched. In your son's name. Amen
Sister in Annapolis
Hello, it is your fellow heart mommy and I have been checking back often. Precious Isaac is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to every update hoping for nothing but good news.
Just know you have so many people thinking about you and your family during this time.
Mommy to Brandon(Transposition Great Vessels)
Praise God for His mercy endures! Glad to hear a good report. May God continue to be glorified as your son continues to improve and be healed.
A little child shall lead them...
Thank you Lord for Isaac and all the lessons his trials have taught all of us.
Thank you LORD for one more day with our sweet dear Isaac. For he is yours. We love him,Lord.
In Your great mercy, hear our cries for sweet little Isaac. May he feel the love of all those praying for him and may You give his precious parents rest while he is fast asleep. Grant them Your peace.
I pray that they will be able to hold him tomorrow and that his levels remain stable. I pray that the trach change will go well and that the line continues to work well.
Lord, wrap all of them up in Your arms and remind them of Your love for them. Remind them that You do the impossible. What a MIGHTY God you are!
Thank you Lord for all You are doing and will do in the coming days.
Tonight at church we sang How Great Thou Are.Ifelt bad for the persons on each side of me because I bellowed it out at the top of my lungs and did I mention Singing Isn't My Forte'I saw Jordan and was reminded How Great God Really Is.God is so much up in your little boys life And yours through this.Your life is a true testamony of God's forever love. presence
This is the day which the Lord Has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it..Psalm 118:24
Hoping the 3 of you have a great day and Isaac a day of rest and peacefulness. I pray that unless events change for the better, that he stays stable.
He's such a strong,sweet baby. And through the Love of God and the love from his parents, he will prevail.
Have a Blessed day and enjoy your moments as a family with God being Your faithful, merciful leader. Meanwhile, prayers will continue for the uplifting of this family in His Glory.
He is so precious!
I can't wait to hear about your holding him! God is amazing! He is healing this child day by day, symptom by symptom, and prayer by prayer.
If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know! We are here for you in anyway you need.
My prayer is for Isaac to gain strength throughout his little body to fight off infection and to help regain his mobility.
I also pray that you and Jordan are able to find peace and rest each day so that you may keep up your strength.
David and Erika
Praise The Lord for His miracles! We know you are looking so forward to holding your sweet boy again. Isaac is such a strong little boy!
You guys are in our prayers.
Love & Prayers,
Bryant & Hilary
My Wish for you * May Isaac continue to make progress and that you will be able to hold your sweet baby boy on Mother's Day if not sooner...May the Lord hear this request today and everyday...
What a day!I am so glad that baby Issac has over come the odds again!He is such a fighter!I will still continue to pray for things to stay in the right direction and for this new line to hold up and for his small body to heal!God is wonderful.You never know what He will do next.Just keep looking to Him for everything!As all of the people keep praying for guys just enjoy your sweet boy!God has a plan always!Congrats!
Lord please be with this family. They have overcame so much. They have so much more to get through. We know Lord you will never give us something we can't handle. Lord please give each of them love and strenght to keep going. You are the perfect healer. This baby has been a witness for so many people. I pray he will continue to do great things in your glory. I pray that you will soon gget to hold your sweet boy. I pray Lord that there will be a Happy Mother's day for your family.
Brandy Crocker
We continue to keep all of you in our prayers. We're praying for Isaac's healing, and also for comfort and strength for you both as you travel this road with him.
George & Jennifer Winstead - C3 family
Continuosly praying for you all!
God Bless You!
Dianett & Sam
Continuing to pray that you feel God's presence everywhere and can see His healing touch on sweet little Isaac...
Love you all so much
Patience, I want to wish you an early Happy Mother's Day.
Father, Thank you for peaceful sleep for Isaac. Thank you for answering so many of our prayers. We thank you that You have a great plan even if we cannot see past a small helpless struggling baby we desperately want to see grow up; actually we also want his parents to experience life with him like so many of us have had the privilege to do with our children. We can't imagine what they go through on a daily basis.
We don't understand Lord, but we can trust Your heart. We know you can miraculously heal him, but we also know Your ways are not our ways. We thank You Lord right now because Your word tells us to. I especially thank you that this baby has created an amazing community of believers through this blog. It's a place where I see you in amazing ways in the hearts of others, and I love to fellowship here every day.
What the sweetest little face! God is holding him when you can't! This storm will one day be over, and God will be given all the glory all the honor and all the praise!
Love you guys,
Thank you Lord for another successful day to your precious child...always put your healing hands upon him and also peace to J and P.
We are always in Victory not a Victim!!!
May our wonderful Lord and God kep his hand on both of you and your sweet little boy. May he have his way in all of your lives and may he continue to sustain you in your hours of need. You are such an inspiration to everyone who comes into contact with you. Your faith is overwhelmingly evident. Your trust in God is absolute and complete. What an awesome message both of you and baby Isaac bring to this world. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. I truly believe that God will bring his healing to you and your son.
My prayers are that we speak life, and destiny over baby Issac and that we call forth who he is in Christ this baby has a huge purpose if its just for one person. Bless you both and may Jeremiah 29:11 ring very true in your hearts.
Because I am a neonatal nurse, I understand too well what you speak of. I pray for your peace that passeth understanding and the gifts that your son is giving you each day. May our Heavenly Father be your staff and rejoice with you in all moments. Isaac is a really cute little boy!
I want to wish you an early Mother's Day Patience. I can't wait to tell Isaac what an INCREDIBLY STRONG and COURAGEOUS Mom he has. She is such an example to me of patience and trust.
(I believe her own mom knew what she was doing by naming her Patience.)
May God pour out his love on you and may you have the opportunity to hold your little Isaac many many times tomorrow.
Isa 26:3
Patience and Jordan, I have just arrived in NC and am praying so fervently for you Isaac and your family- We will touch base soon- but continue being the amazing mom and dad you are and know you are covered in prayers!
Love, Angela
Patience, I just wanted to wish you HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. May this be the 1st of many. I pray that you are/were able to hold your sweet boy in your arms. May your day be blessed.
I'm praying that you'll have a good mothers day tomorrow and be able to hold your sweet boy again.
Happy Mother's Day Patience! I pray your first Mother's Day is filled with joy and much happiness. Make sure to take a picture for us of you two together.
Patience, I am thinking of you today especially, praying for you and your sweet son and husband. Love you very much, and sending hugs, prayers and blessings from all the Singletons,
praying for you every moment......
Happy Mother's Day Patience!!
We've been so excited to say that to you all week on this special day. Someone in that room please tell Isaac he has an amazing mom!
In Him,
The Witchers
Patience I just wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I am sure this is a very special day for you and your beautiful boy.
Happy Mothers Day,
Hope your day is very special.
Teresa Hall
A Mother. What a wonderful and precious gift to give someone. To be a mother. It means to sacrifice the things in your life for your child. Patience, you are quite the mother. I hope that God is blessing you on this Mother's Day. I hope you awoke to many miracles and many flowers (hint hint for Jordan). Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless her richly today and always! Love you,BB
Happy Mothers Day Patience!!
Love you!!
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