Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Isaac is back in the hospital.

At his first pediatrician's appointment yesterday, Dr. Hunt evaluated a rash that had been brewing as well as his fever. Blood labs revealed his white cell count more than double the normal range, revealing infection. So we're back in the PICU awaiting the results of cultures drawn yesterday. Preliminary results indicate some type of infection in the blood, possibly staph. Full results will come back within the next 48 hours. After several tries (remember - tricky access), a delicate IV was established in Isaac's hand so that he could receive antibiotics. In spite of the labs, our sweet boy seems to be very comfortable & happy in his "new room." Right now, we're looking at a minimum of two more days in the hospital, possibly a week or more depending on culture results.


Anonymous said...

We're all praying for you!

Figueras Life said...

praying for you, as well as everyone around the world.

luv ya!

:: j

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Sorry to hear that Isaac's back in hospital. We're thinking of all three of you and praying that the antibiotics wipe out the infection really quickly so you can get home again soon.
Holding you in our prayers, as always,
Alison, Pete and Charlie xxx

Anonymous said...

Praying for you!


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the setback...I hope he recovers soon. I'll keep you all in my prayers...

Anonymous said...

May God's will be done in recovery of the infection that you all will be back home in a few days. Meanwhile, prayers will be lifted up asking Him to be with you all during this setback and for the graceful healing that He can give.

Anonymous said...

Well we will not let the enemy have the victory! We will pray and we will trust in God to bring Isaac through!

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying for a quick recovery and rest for you guys...may he be back home soon!
Claire Adams

Anonymous said...

Praying for Issac and you two. First hand I know what a staph infection can do to an adult. I pray that the doctor has the right antibotic and it will wipe out the infection quickly.

Nancy Green

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the setbacks. I'm still praying for you.

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

We are not a crazy charasmatic family, but tonight at dinner Phelicia prayed (age 3) that Isaac would get better and get to go back home. We then reminded her that Isaac was home... but I guess she was right. Does she have some connection we don't know about? :-)

I am so sad to hear that Isaac had a not so good report... but...

Father, take this sweet little boy in your arms again and heal him. Keep Jordan and Patience, for it must be hard to just get home and then have to take Isaac back to the hospital. Use this to keep reminding us that You can move any mountain, and that Your love can keep us at Peace in any situation.

You will be in our continual prayers!

Anonymous said...

This was not in our plan but God is still in control and we must continue to trust Him. Praying that the antibiotics clear up the infection quickly and you guys are back home as soon as possible. You are covered in prayer. May God touch another life through Isaac while you are there.
Keep us posted.

Amy said...

God has used you three in mighty ways in that hospital and I believe he still has a few more lives you need to touch there!

We are constantly praying for continued strength through these uncertain times.

God is in control!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praying continually for Isaac! The One Year Bible for today was Psalm 139, and I couldn't help but think and pray again for your sweet boy. "You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before single day had passed." Amazing.

Anonymous said...

This past night I came home from a trip to Minneapolis. My little girl is nine and a half months old and she is already daddy's little girl.

When she saw me at the airport last night she did not hesitate to throw herself at me...she then would not let go of me and put her head on my chest and squeezed me so tight.

I held her for a while and tried not to start balling in the middle of the road, and then I went to put her in to her car seat. However, when i went to put her down she just stood there on my lap and squeezed me even harder.

Ever since I have had my little girl I have prayed with a fervor that you all will continue to experience these beautiful moments that I have with my Alanna every day. I have prayed that God will allow you to have these moments with Isaac, and that you will be able to lock them away and store them deep inside your hearts.

You guys are amazing, and your son is a light for so many people.

"Grant my last request,
And just let me hold you."

- Paolo Nutini

Josh Coyle

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys and precious Mr. Isaac. Just remember (as you have probably already been reminding yourselves) that God is in control, and He loves all three of you unendingly.

And I love you guys too!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear little Isaac is back in the hospital. We will keep him in our prayers.

Sam & Dianett

Anonymous said...

The Joy of the Lord is our strength! I pray that HIS joy will continue to fill both of you with strength as this journey is not over yet. God is good. We are praying for you three there and for the staff there at the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Will be Praying for your precious lil boy God has great plans for him. he is a true miracle baby.......Staci Yonkers, NY

Anonymous said...

Today I finished reading the book of Job (I had never read the whole thing before). I was reading the commentary afterward and it talked about how when there is suffering we humans tend to be "fixers" for those suffering or feel like we should have answers for them. I can only imagine what a roller coaster you may feel you are on. I just pray that you continue to feel God's presence and loving arms around you. I will be praying for all three of you and that you continue to find your strength in the One who loves you best...

Anonymous said...

You are all in my prayers. I remember those early days with my son when we would take one step forward and two steps back. The only thing that kept me going was that God was not only stepping with us, but carrying us when we could no longer step ourselves. Our prayer is that God cradles and carries you all through this time as He uses the doctors to minister to Isaac effectively. God's Blessings and prayers from Illinois.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys and I am praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for God's strengthening of Isaac's immune system and protection against future infections that could be caused by the fact that he is on home vent. Also praying for your health and comfort as parents. You are such an inspiration to so many; even lost parents can identify with where you are.

Love Y'all

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and for healing for Isaac.

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

Hey Jordan & Patience!

Just wondering how Isaac is doing. He has continually been on our minds. I wondered if either of you got to go to the Harvest Crusade.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.
-Dan Rather

I could never place myself in your shoes. But I want you to be encouraged that God is writing a beautiful story before all our eyes. He is teaching us lessons on Faith, (True) Love, Strength, and Patience.
I remember the running with the giants series, and I can say your one of those who will be sitting in the stands guiding others as they run around the track of life.
Rest in the Hands of God, and He alone will refresh your souls.

Still in my prayers,