Today marks Isaac's 101st day of life & our 101st day in Chapel Hill. A mix of emotions comes at this realization; astounded & fatigued that we've been here so long, yet in the same breathe, tremendously grateful that Isaac has made it through thus far. He has come through 5 surgeries & 3 brushes with death, with 2 more open-heart surgeries remaining as well as 3 more procedures to correct his palate, pyloric valve, & inguinal hernia. So much for one little boy!
Though Isaac will be nearly 4 months old by the time we get home, he'll essentially be a newborn in terms of development due to his extensive hospital stay & lengthy sedation (came off sedation meds completely just last Thursday). Through prayer, God's mighty hand, & excellent medical care, Isaac has overcome tremendous obstacles already with many more still to come in the months ahead. Days can be hard as we see even the simplest things be difficult & exhausting for our sweet son. Thankfully, he can know no disappointment as this life is all he's ever known & even in the midst of it, he remains a precious, happy little boy. To see him sleep peacefully amongst tubes & wires & machines is to be reminded of the peace we all can experience through Christ. Even in an environment that is unnatural, uncomfortable, & simply undesirable, we can rest peacefully in God' mighty arms, knowing He is carrying us through & has a good purpose for it all. "Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In Your love You kept me from the pit of destruction..." (Isaiah 38.17)
Jordan & I are deeply grateful for these 101 days with our sweet Isaac & pray for many more ahead. As our time in the PICU has been extensive, we've indirectly observed many families loose their children; some to long-term issues & others to surprising traumas. Even today, a recent admission lost their fight; family & friends cycled through the unit to say goodbye before the transplant team arrived. Every time we realize this is occurring, our eyes well with tears in grief for those families & in gratitude to still have our sweet boy here with us. No matter how many times you experience this occuring, it never looses its potency. We've learned to truly value each & every single day & to live each day on purpose. So many lessons learned, so many more to be gained. What a gift the past 101 days have been! We wouldn't trade them for anything as we've seen God's mighty hand in ways we would not have otherwise.

Keep on, Isaac! We're so very proud of you!
Hang on, Baby Boy! (& hang on mom & dad!)
Love y'all!
Praise God!
Little Isaac is on his way home!
God Bless You All!!
Samuel & Dianett
My eyes teared as I read your latest blog. I simply cannot imagine the pain these people must know. I am so thankful for you, and Jordan, and Isaac. We all love you so much. Even Becky, Sarah, Ian, and Travis love Isaac. Ian just came by as I was checking your blog today, and said, 'hey, mommy, there's baby Isaac!' I know the girls cannot wait to see Him. I miss you, and look forward to seeing you again.
Love you, Kim
-Philippeans 3:14
What a humbling experience it is to read your blog. I am thankful to have come across it through another friends' blog. Thank you for sharing your experience.... and thank you for living a life that glorifies God. Even through your struggles you choose to praise God for His blessings and Mercy. Congrats on your 101 days. We pray that there are many many more!
thank you, for sharing you life, your faith and your son with us it has been one of the most incerdible journeys and I wasn't even directly involved my children have learned about God, my husband has loved about commitment and I have learned about motherhood in a way that I never thought I would.
Praise God!!!!!!! What an incredible journey this has been for you. And what an incredible testimony both of you and your precious son have been to the world!! Praise the almighty healer!!
We are looking forward to day 115. We pray that is the day that the Leino family gets to come "home". What an incredible 101 days it has been. Thank you for allowing the rest of us to join you and your precious little boy. We look forward to many more days ahead.
Steven & Kristina
Our God is an AWESOME God!
Thank you God for bringing Issac this far.
God is good!
Oh,how Marvelous...Oh,how wonderful!
What a blessing that you are in the final "countdown" stages! Prayers continue from our family to yours as you make preparations for the coming days.
May God hold you both and Isaac in HIS powerful arms and protect you. Your story is such a wonderful witness and blessing to thousands around the world...
Still praying daily for your precious family...
Claire Adams
Raleigh, NC
This journey has been an amazing one for me. I have grown more from a situation I have experienced vicariously through this blog than any in my life. My understanding of God is so different from what it was 15 weeks ago, and I feel so blessed to have been part of this journey. I also hope to be a part of it years to come to see what else God is going to do.
I know you did not choose this path, but because you chose to walk it with grace, you have shown many of us how to handle the tough situations the world throws at us.
Oh, I almost forgot... Isaac is soooooo cute! And you gotta love bathtub pictures. :-)
Such humbleness in your words. They pierced my heart as I read each line. I am so very happy for you all. Isaac is such a handsome little boy and his sweetness is revealed in each picture.
Thank you for sharing your deepest thoughts and emotions. You have truly grown spiritually through this ordeal. What a wonderful testimony you have.
The day will come when Isaac will be able to understand the battle you two fought for his life. I know that he will already love and adore his mom and dad, but learning about his early years will only make him appreciate you and our heavenly father more. You have both been so very strong and steadfast in your faith. Nothing but blessings do I pray for you and your household all the days of your lives.
Praise God for this victory! He is our El Shaddai.
Rebecca VanderWerff
Lord, thank You for the leino's, for the courage you have given them, for the wisdom, Your wisdom, that is growing inside of them. thank You for allowing me to meet them & know them. thank You b/c their story, Your story, helps me stop, breathe & praise You endlessly. it reminds me of Your greatness, of the Great I Am. that Your name is Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace, nothing broken, nothing lacking, of wholeness in You.
we love you & your family, guys. can't wait to see you so we can all join you in celebrating!!!
:-) j
Jordan you look like a natural. I am so thankful that you guys have been able to experience such an incredible miricale. I pray that there are many more miricles in store for this little boy.
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:30-31
I love you guys!! I cant wait to see all of you together soon!! You Rock Isaac!!
Thamk you for sharing your story, my motherand father are friends ok your family, and they passed this on to my family. Your unending faith in our Lord has helped me
return to the Lord in knowing that he gives us these great hurdles and what we choose to do with them is to simly trust. You have a beuatiful spirit within and a wionderful gift from God. I pray for all the other families as they struggle with thier loses, and hope the too find reassurance in our Heavenly Father as you have....
Patience, you are quite a writer. The way you have shared and expressed this journey touches many, many hearts that you may never know about. Even reading today where you wrote about being in undesirable circumstances and still having God's peace meant something special for me today. I am so grateful that God is so great and huge and wonderful and your words and pics testify to it every time you share. Thank you.
I'm so happy to hear this. God Is Awesome!!
Ahhhh, is that Italy I smell!? Holland is truly a most beautiful place indeed, but this boy is destined to make it to Italy one day! Dream BIG! I can't tell you how excited we are with Isaac's great progress, and how honored and blessed we are that you would share it with us! We pray daily for God's blessings to continue to pour down on you all! We can't hardly wait for his grand C3 entrance into his extended family!!
For those that never made it to Holland, our hearts cry out for their devastating sadness, and we pray for comforting like no other to come thru to them from our loving Lord.
to sit down and read this blog brings tears to my eyes.it seems like alot to take in all at one time.i am still in shock to see him growing and looking so happy!Issac is really a blessed child!he is so little and has still come so far.after the journey you all have been on it should make you greatful for everyday...just hearing your story makes me that much more thankful for my own daughters!i hope everything goes as planned and he goes home!please keep us up on all the new news and things about Issac when you go home...i would be lost without the blog i check out daily:)time flies when your having fun...i hope to hear more good news about Issac
I love his outfit! I bet you just can't wait to put all those precious little outfits you have for him on!
We are so thankful that Isaac is doing so well! Keep on in Christ's strength, you three!
How wonderful to see the great new pictures and of Isaac looking so lovingly at his dad! To God give the glory for bringing you all this far and giving you both the strength you have needed. Your faith has never waivered and you both have given those of us reading this blog so much humility and faith. God's continued blessings be with you all.
Dear Jordan and family,
I can not put into words how happy I am for all that god has done for Isaac. Who knows how many hearts your son has entered. Your continued faith through this trial has restored faith for many people and given faith to some who never had it. Also amazing is your ability to share all of the events with the world through blogs when the news was good or bad. I am forever changed by watching all that has taken place. If you ever need anything at all please let me help 919 612 2756 ...love Steve
To God be the glory, great things He has done....Praise God for His faithfulness and thank God for you and Jordan as you have endured and held steadfast through this continuing journey. God is so good. We can hardly wait for you to take Isaac home. We will continue praying for you all.
Rick and Shelia
Are we still on the June 19th schedule to go home? I'm praying for Isaac every day.
We continue to pray for Isaac and your family. We hope that no new posts means that things are going very well and that you are enjoying every moment with your precious son. We also hope that in 1 week (June 19th) he will be home with you, resting peacefully in his nursery. Lord, this is our prayer.
Ok, we need an update...the wait has me at the edge of my seat...I pray for the news that Isaac is home where he belongs and you are all enjoying much needed family time without the hospital. I dont know you personally but I have been following your story for some time now and you and little Isaac are always in my prayers and thoughts. God bless you all.
you guys are amazing. the LORD is great. iam so excited for you all. now you get to go home and be a family in your own home. that is so awesome to say. you ALL are going home. praise the LORD for all His miracles. i am so very excited for you. GOD is so so good. you see the race is worth running even if you are running barefoot up hill in the pouring rain. you guys are winning the race. love DEENA
What's going on??? we're waiting so patiently for an update, but it's getting very hard!!!
You don't know me but I have been following Issac's progress almost since the beginning. I pray for you all every day and I rejoice with you whenever another milestone is reached. Your unwavering faith in our Father has truly been an inspiration to me. I pray that your precious boy continues to grow strong and healthy and that, through your example, he will also love the Lord with all of his heart.
I know you are probably extremely busy right now, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love an update - however brief.
God Bless You,
Claudette Conklin
im so glad that baby Issac has made it thruogh all this but it is only happened because of you mom and dad!keep up the awesome work!I♥U!
I just cry my eyes out reading your blog. I am overwhelmed by your strength.
My son Matthew was born 2 months premature w/ a rare heart defect.
We spent his first 5 1/2 months of life in the hospitals.. here in Las Vegas and at Stanford.
He's had 2 open heart surgeries and will need more throughout his life.
I live in fear everyday that he won't live long... or that he'll be taken away....
my heart breaks as I see these adorable pictures of you when you were pregnant... and the adorable baby room... up until Isaac passed... we had soo much in common...sooo much..
Please know that we are so sad for you... and pray for you.
I am so so so sad.
Isaac is at peace now, like you said in your post over the weekend.
I do remember praying to God to just take Matthew.. I couldn't bear to see him suffer anymore....
Well I hope someday when things settle down, we can be in contact...
I am so sorry, you are a beautiful family.
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